Refund Policy

At Mehta Ads Agency, we aim to deliver high-quality digital marketing services. This policy outlines the terms for refunds.

Eligibility for Refunds
Refunds may be provided for:
Service Not Rendered: Paid but not delivered services.
Service Delay: Significant delays beyond the agreed timeframe.
Non-Performance: Services not meeting agreed specifications.

Non-Refundable Services
No refunds for:
Completed Services: Services that are completed and delivered.
Customized Services: Tailored services to client requirements.
Third-Party Costs: Costs for third-party services like ads or software.

Refund Request Process
Contact Us:
Email with "Refund Request" and your details.
Review: We will review and may request more information.
Decision: Notification within 10 business days; refunds processed within 30 days if approved.

Partial Refunds -: Partial refunds may be issued based on the work completed up to the refund request.

Chargebacks -: Contact us to resolve issues before initiating chargebacks, which may cause delays and fees.

Amendments -: We may amend this policy at any time, with changes posted on this page.

Contact -:
Mehta ads agency