Terms & Conditions

We offer digital marketing services like ad video scripting, graphic creation, Facebook ads, sales training, landing page creation, funnel building, copywriting, market research, automation, and CRM setups.

Client Responsibilities -: Provide necessary info promptly, cooperate with our team, and ensure materials comply with laws.

Payment Quotation -: Provided before starting.Due Date: Payments due within 30 days of invoice. Late payments may incur interest.

Confidentiality -: Both parties must keep all confidential information private.

Intellectual Property -: Ownership remains with us until full payment. Usage rights granted upon payment.

Revisions -: Specified revisions included. Extra changes billed hourly.

Termination -:
Client: Written notice required; fees non-refundable.
Agency : May terminate for breach or late payments.

Liability -: No warranty on success of strategies. Liability limited to amount paid for the service.

Governing Law -: Governed by [Your Jurisdiction]'s laws. Disputes go to [Your Jurisdiction] courts.

Amendments -: We may amend these terms with written notice.

Contact -:
Mehta ads agency